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Why Spiritual People Should be More Successful Than the People who are not

I am often asked what do I think the most important thing you should understand about achieving goals in harmony is.

I believe that the next one is really one of the most important:

To achieve your life goals in harmony, you need to change your behavior.

This one is obvious if you think about the previous results your behavior gave you in the area of your goal.

Are you completely satisfied with those results?

Have you accomplished the goals that you have set up?

Is your personal reality in these areas truly perfect?



If you are truly happy with those results, all you need to do is to continue behaving the same way.

One thing is certain. If you continue with the same behavior in any given area, you will get the same results. To get different, better results, you need to change your behavior.

When setting a new goal, you are trying to create better reality in some life area.

It is especially true in area of a life goal. When you are setting a life goal, you are trying to fundamentally change your reality in that whole area of your life.

So, it’s clear that successful goal achievement system must help you to change your behavior.

But, it’s often difficult to do that.

The most important reason why you can’t change your behavior isn’t that you don’t know that you should.

It’s not that you are lazy, or stupid, or that you don’t understand that you should get your act together. You simply have strong feelings that get in the way of the change you consciously want.

Do you think that alcoholic don’t know that he shouldn’t drink?

Or, that student doesn’t know he shouldn’t go out, but stay home and study before the exam?

Of course they know.

But we all have these strong emotions in some areas that prevent us from acting the way we know we should.

And this is why your spirituality isn’t your handicap but your most important asset.

Spiritual techniques are all about changing yourself and your states of mind. And they can help you to easily deal with the blocking emotions that make it difficult to change your behavior.



There are options for reaching your goals that are in harmony with your whole being and your Spiritual Path. These options are already there. They always were. You only need to learn to identify and start using them.

It’s simple.

An effective goal achievement system will allow you to recognize your spiritual options, and identify the best ways to use them.

It will also deal with your inner barriers and conflicts which stopped you from seeing and using those options in the past. This is what you need self-improvement techniques for.

After that everything is much easier.

When you eliminate inner conflicts, the necessary behavior change comes naturally. You don’t have to push yourself to exercise or to start dieting (if your life goal is weight loss).

Or to ask your boss for a raise, or to force yourself to make these crucial additional calls to your clients.

Those actions for which you had to force yourself in the past now become natural and easy.

This is because you’re becoming aware of your best options, options that lead you toward achievement of your goals in spiritual and harmonious way.

When you start using these options, you WANT TO DO everything you can to carry them out.

So yes, you need to change your behavior to accomplish your goals.

If you want to get different results, you need to act differently, and use the options you haven’t used before.

Eliminating your inner conflicts with some self-improvement techniques will allow you to do that.

And not just that. It will help you choose those options that are in complete harmony with your spiritual path and your true being.

Spiritual people (people who practice different self-improvement techniques), already have the most important tool for such change. They already know and use some techniques which can be used for elimination of blocking emotions and creation of necessary change in behavior.

This is why the people who work on their self development can really create necessary changes much easier than the people who don’t.


  • To get better results and achieve your goals you need to change your standard behavior. Effective goal accomplishment system must support you in this.
  • The changes that you need to make CAN be in harmony with your Spiritual Path.
  • You need to eliminate inner conflicts in order to find and freely use better options for achieving your goals.
  • If you are spiritual person, it is essential to choose those ways of achievement that are in harmony with the deepest parts of your being and your Spiritual Path.


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